Tripper conveyor in storage house
PT™ Max Belt Trainer
PT™ Smart Belt Trainer
Increase belt life
Conveyor Detail
3/16" x 1/16" thick, 3–ply belt
It was no secret that the belts on the tripper conveyor at a potash storage house in Canada were mistracking. The maintenance team was aware of the spillage that was occurring and knew that the belt and conveyor structure were being damaged. They had tried other trainers, but the dry and cold conditions in the house would cause the lagging on the roller to harden up. Once it hardened, the friction on the belt would loosen and the conveyor would start mistracking again. When this happened, the trainers they were using had to be pulled off the line and re-lagged in the factory, which caused some serious downtime.
In the search for something better, the maintenance team came across the PT™ Smart Belt Trainer and PT™ Max Belt Trainer from Flexco. Both trainers employ the patented “pivot and tilt” design, which provides friction and changes the tension profile of the belt. When both the pivoting and tilting mechanisms work together, they are more than three times as effective at restoring belts back to the center of the conveyor.
The combination of the PT Smart Belt Trainer and PT Max Belt Trainer are holding up to the harsh conditions presented in the applications and have had no failure. The customer can also rest assured knowing that when the lagging does start to wear on these belt trainers, the idlers can simply be replaced, instead of waiting for a refurbished model to come back from the factory.